Fight ACS Charges


Stop ACS Calls

ACS Laywer in New York City

ACS investigations often begin when an ACS worker shows up at the front door of your home at an inconvenient time of day, like 6am.

ACS Visits You At Home

One of the worst things that can happen to a parent is a home visit by ACS. Here are things you should and should not do if an ACS case worker visits your home.
  • Do Not let them in unless they have a warrant signed by a judge that allows access to your home.
  • Do be polite at all times
  • Record the conversation -either audio or video.
  • Do not speak to them about facts of case.
  • Demand that you have an attorney present.
  • Do not yell or scream. ACS workers know how to handle this, they do not know how to handle a polite professional person.

ACS Calls

Less frequently, ACS calls you on the telephone. The ACS caseworker will want to interview you during the phone call or less likely they will schedule a visit. ACS Lawyer suggests that you should not answer any questions during ACS calls on the phone! Politely inform the ACS caseworker that you would prefer to answer any questions with your New York City ACS Lawyer present. You have the right to request an attorney for legal advice and ACS is aware of this right.

The case worker may then make threats. Do not become intimidated. Contact an ACS attorney to defend your rights! Call 917-519-8417. We advise that you should not answer the ACS workers questions during ACS calls without a lawyer present. ACS does not record the conversation and the workers can misinterpret the facts you provide.

If you choose to provide information to an ACS caseworker during an ACS call, this will provide ACS with more opportunities to manufacture lies about you and your family. Always remain professional and defend your right to an attorney.

The Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro offer experienced ACS attorneys who will fight for your rights and defend you from false ACS charges. Call 917-519-8417

ACS Survival Guide

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